
Launi Jones-Sheldon has been practicing law since 2000. In 2018 Launi decided to start Strategic Legal Services to help prepare other attorneys' clients for all aspects litigation. Launi has added Special Real Estate Commissioner to the services provided.
Strategic Legal Services focuses on Witnesses Preparation, Deposition Preparation, Custody Evaluation Preparation, (CFEs, FAs, CAAs), Therapeutic Interventions, Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs), Vocational Evaluation, Parenting Coordinator Preparation, Communication Consulting and Critiquing Lawyers and Expert Witnesses.
Launi has been preparing her own witnesses since she began practicing law. She believes it is important for witnesses to be as prepared as possible for whatever they are going to face during the litigation process. Witness preparation has always been an essential part of Launi Sheldon's practice.
She has spent numerous hours preparing witnesses to testify for depositions and trials. She has also spent many hours preparing clients for Custody Evaluations, Focused Assessments, Parenting Conferences and Vocational Evaluations. Launi helps her clients understand the process they can expect to encounter in order to make them as comfortable as possible when they are interviewed or offer testimony to ensure their story is told in the most effective way.